
Female Perspectives in A Doll's House

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Throughout history, males have always been seen as the dominant gender and many may say that the human world is considered as a man’s world. In addition, females are here to be the supporting role to the males. However, others may say that these roles are unjust and show inequality between genders. Both the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen and the article Parallels in A Doll’s House written by William L. Urban focuses on the ways that women are perceived in their roles in their society and the gender inequality between the characters. Nora and Kristina are two characters from Ibsen’s play that had to make sacrifices and lived through unjust marriages because of society’s norm on females. However in contrast to a male character, Torvald, chose not to make any self-sacrifice because of society’s view on males as the more dominate gender. Also, because of the fact that males were view as the more dominate gender, they were able to control these unjust marriages. Additionally, both Nora and Kristina did not have the same rights as the male characters did. Both Ibsen’s play and Urban’s article displays inequality between genders, which are shown through marriage, the sacrificial roles of females and through the tough lifestyles presented to females because of the norms in the society. Throughout Isben’s play, there is a clear notion that females were viewed lower than males. An example of this inequality towards the females was showed through the relationship between Nora and her husband Torvald. Throughout the play, the sense of marriage that Nora and his husband Torvald seems suspect. The marriage seemed as if Nora was more a trophy wife that Torvald owned and was not viewed as a human being. Torvald would often call Nora “my little songbird” (Ibsen 871), “my squirrel” (Ibsen 851), “my little lark” (Ibsen 851), and “my little Nora” (Isben871), thus indicating that Torvald belittles Nora in a way that Nora’s more of a possession than a wife. Also, according to the article written by Urban, “Torvald Helmer has never been able to have a serious conversation with Nora. Is it that he could not risk having the subject of Nora’s father come to the surface except as a rebuke for a her childishness? He was only able to deal with Nora a

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