
Dealing with Stress

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This month I read an article about stress. It talked about how stress affects us and how we can train our brains to not stress over little things as much. I learned that humans have mixed emotions. When you ask anyone how he or she are feeling they will typically respond with a more then one emotion answer. There is a “good” type of stress. Good stress is referred when we are dealing with a challenge in our life but we are able to handle it and over come the challenge. When we experience “bad stress” our body automatically does two things. The first thing it does is called “fight or flight”. During this step the body gets ready to flee from the danger. In the second step the body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released by the adrenal gland. When you stress a lot your adrenal gland is releasing a lot more energy so it begins to get worn down. The gland begins to recover. When the gland recovers you are more prone to stress. When you stress the adrenal gland doesn’t get a chance to recover so you body begins to slow down also. Your body begins to go through a cycle where you begin to stress over and over again. The more you stress the more the prefrontal cortex of the brain begins to shrink. The prefrontal cortex’s job is to help you adapt to certain thing. When it shrinks you body adapts more slowly which can lead to heart disease, certain types of cancer, depression, and many other things. Ways to prevent from stressing to often are relaxing, exercising, spending time away from electronics, and spending time to things you like such as playing an instrument. I can relate to this article because the moment I started having more homework in sixth grade, the more I began to stress. Six grade was as stressful as seventh grade though. In seventh grade I would stress over something every week such as a project. After turning that project in I feel more fragile. During the weeks of recovering I was more sensit

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