Technology has a big impact on our youth. Nowadays you see fewer kids go outside and play or do activities out of the house. Most kids would rather be inside playing video games such as Play Station or other gaming consoles. Media is one of the important things that have potential to generate both positive and negative effects. In study done by Nola Mokeyne, proves that the impact of TV on youth’s society can increase the level of IQ. This study also demonstrates how TV has positive effects on our society and certain shows that can be beneficial. There are TV shows that can be helpful, however researched illustrates that negative effect of TV are exposure to violence, inappropriate sexuality, and offensive language. Media is one of the most popular broadcasting in society. Social networking websites connect countries together. Kids know about internet and social websites like Facebook. Millions of people use this website daily to communicate and many other are business users and make profits with them. Various are as media use has positive effects connected to education and obtaining basic information of the world; on the other hand there are negative and positive effects connected to media use related to physical problems and mental problems. The term news media refers to the groups that communicate information and news to would be impossible to gather all the news to people. Most Americans get their information about government from the news media because it increasing reliance of Americans on television and the internet by making the news even more readily available to people. There are main types of news media: print media, broadcast media, and the internet. Technology plays a big role in a teenager’s life in our society. They use it in their everyday life from doing their school work, communication with friends, looking for future school and careers. It is not possible for us to have our youth to stay away from it because in today’s society if they are familiar with the technology, they will have a tough time fitting in. technology should be available to be our youth, however we need parent supervision. Parents play an important role in the youth life especially with the technology because they the ones who give the access to their kids. We can look at the positive effects of the media too. The raising children network says that “teens can be benefit from media exposure by developing cultural and political awareness” (Cruz). For example, TV, films, magazines, and social media can offer diverse display of different culture and ethic group such as Asian, Latino, Samoan, Black, and etc. There are many news channels such as CNN, FOX News, and BBC, which provides teens with an opportunity to develop the political stance and know what is going on in the world that they are living in. Another benefit about media is social media or networking. Media allows teens to find new friends, which helps to have access to bigger networks and provides more social opportunities. Media also expands skills, which direct them to modern and technological field. There are many positive reasons for the impact of the media on the youth such as cultural and politi