President Obama presented his Fifth Annual State of the Union Address (SOTU) on January 20, 2015. Mr. Obama’s SOTU address reinforced many of his existing economic policies including his tax reform, middle class economy and climate change. Obama’s priorities have seemed to be consistent with The American Dream; however, Obama’s middle class economic policies have been described as income equality, which have been putting the middle class, “well stuck right in the middle” (Amadeo). However, who and what is the middle class? Who are the people that make up the middle class and what do they stand for? Tamar Jacoby’s article “Stuck In The Middle Class With You” surfaced the web on the very popular news weekly website, The Weekly Standard, stating Obama’s SOTU speech as a “bully pulpit”, Jacoby found herself questioning who and what is the middle class. “When Obama was on the road to elaborate his proposals and met with some presumably middle-class Americans, he ended up in a café in Baltimore that served vegan sandwiches and charged almost five dollars for a chai latte – not exactly working family fare” (Jacoby). Obama’s SOTU address positions that the middle class “seems to be down on their luck” (Jacoby). Mrs. Jacoby’s article mentions a young couple, Rebekah Erler, a Zeigler 2 community college graduate and her husband a construction worker, who met with Obama, who seemed to have fallen in the ‘”forgotten lower tier” of the working class. “Obama’s speech glossed over a lot about the Erlers, placing them squarely in the solid middle class, not the lower or precarious middle class, where Obama seemed to want to situate her” (Jacoby). As the Erlers explained that they have mainly been surrounded by blue-collar workers, they feel as if their social needs are not any different, “but surely what she needs is not the same as that of a young person who doesn’t have a four-year college d