
Baby Boomers and Generation Z

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Good morning Mrs Shipman and fellow classmates. My comparative cross-generational study is between the Baby Boomers and Generation Z, questioning does the media have a positive or negative impact on people’s perceptions of obesity. This will include comparing the Baby Boomers and Generation Z. Now approaching retirement, the Baby Boomers are the generation born between 1946 and 1964. Generation Z includes those who are born between 1995 and 2010. Society, culture and time are the most relevant fundamental concepts to my research due to the fact that they are the main factors that have contributed to the media being able to have such an impact on people’s perceptions of obesity. In the Baby Boomer’s society, culture and time, the frequent occurrence of media having an impact on people’s perceptions of obesity where uncommon, unlike Generation Z. Television was only introduced in 1956 along with transistor radios in 1955, which wouldn’t have portrayed obesity like the rapidly advancing types of media did in Generation Z’s society, culture and time. Technology is the most relevant additional concept to my research due to the fact that the Baby Boomer Generation experienced basic and limited technology therefore once again; media was unable to have such an impact like it did in Generation Z’s day to day lives. Media has become a large factor contributing to socialisation between the Baby Boomers and Generation Z as people are becoming more reliant on these resources. My primary research methodologies will include a questionnaire and a content analysis. A questionnaire will be conducted which will present me with findings and assist in proving my focus question. It will include both open and closed questions which will allow me to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A content analysis will allow me to assess television advertisements and magazines for a period of time and will be analysing what role these types o

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