In the middle of a storm, a ship, that is coming back from Tunis, because of the wedding of the king’s daughter, is tossed about the powerful waves. On the boat, there are the king of Naples, Alonso, his son, called Ferdinand, and his court. Also there are the king’s brother, called Sebastian, the Duke of Milan, called Antonio and Gonzalo, the King counsellor. Suddenly the wind splits the ship in half and they all are thrown on an Island. The Island is close by Prospero, the right Duke of Milan, and his daughter, Miranda. Miranda is horrified, and so Prospero says that they all are safe and that he was once the Duke of Milan, but he was more interested in the art of magic, than in the affairs of state. So, his brother, Antonio, helped by king Alonso, decided to overthrow Prospero, and to declare himslef Duke of Milan. So Antonio sent away Prospero and Miranda on that Island. Miranda makes a lot of questions to Prospero, so he casts a spell to pur her to sleep and then he calls his servant, called Ariel, a gentle spirit of air.. Ariel is his servant, because, once, the Island was closed by the witch Sycorax and her son, a strange creature, called Caliban; Ariel was imprisoned by Sycorax in a tree and then Prospero released him. Prospero tells Ariel to guide Ferdinand to him and that he will be free. Ariel flies away and Prospero calls Caliban. Caliban complains about his captivity but Prospero says that it is the payment for all the education that Prospero has given to him. Then Prospero sends Caliban to gather wood. Meanwhile, Ariel, singing, conduces Ferdinand to Miranda, and they fall in love with each others. To test Ferdinand, Prospero makes him perform menial tasks. ACT2 King Alonso is desperate, because he thinks that his son is dead. Then Ariel puts everyone to sleep, except Antonio and Sebastian. They plan to kill the King, but he suddenly wakes up and they say that they had heard a noise. Then, Caliban, meets Trinculo and Stephano, the King’s jester and the royal butler. So when Trinculo sees Caliban, he decides that he could take the moster in England to earn a lot of money. Then all together, they drink the wine, and when Caliban drink the wine, he decides that Stephano will be his new master. ACT3 Ferdinand meets Miranda and they declare their love and agree to be married as soon as possible. Prospero is so happy for that words and then he returns to his business with Antonio and the King. Stephano is having trouble in controlling Caliban because he hates Trinculo because he refers to him as ‘the moster’. Then they plan to kill Prospero and to rule on the Island and on Miranda. But Ariel, that has been listening the conversation, tells all to Prospero. The King and the other are looking for Ferdinand.