
The Indian Dowry System

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Abstract In the year 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) involves extensive social and cultural norms as influential factors that are toward intimate and physical violence that is against violence. The system of dowry is a social practice that enables the murder, torture and oppression of women in India. Dowry practice is an expected marriage part in cultures where marriages that get arranged are the norm. Violence can happen when the bride-price or dowry is thought unsatisfactory by the receiver. Despite the law barring the practice in India, over the last few years not much has changed. The national crime records bureau of India gave a report that female death of around 8600 which is related to disputes of dowry in the year 2011. In the year 2009 the human right for Asian women approximate that dowry practice got implicated in over 25, 000 deaths and women maiming of age between 16-35 in India per year. The recent review of the literature shows that in spite of efforts by feminist’s organizations, social activists and the Indian government in India, not a lot has changed over the past years. As a matter of fact, the issue has risen, resulting in an extraordinary amount of morbidity and mortality among Indian women. Introduction The dowry prohibiting act of India in the year 1961 defines the term dowry as any valuable or property security which is given or agreed to be awarded indirectly or directly by one marriage party or by the parents of any party during marriage (ministry of women and child development 5). Dowry as a cultural performance is a vital part in the Indian marriage, whereby arranged marriages are the custom. The WHO implicates intensive cultural customs as influential adding up factors in intimate or physical violence against the women. In India, brides get victimized when the bride price or dowry get deemed unsatisfactory by the family of the groom. The national crime records bureau India report, noted 8600 female homicides connected to dowry disputes in the year 2011, and suicide adding up to 3200 by women due to issues of dowry. Also, the NRCB reported an increase of 27% in seize under the dowry prohibition act from the year 2010 to 2011, an increase which was alarming of 57% increase in crimes against the Indian women in the past few years. In the year 2011 99000 women in India reported harsh treatment by their relatives and husbands, and this is according to NCRB (ministry of women and child development 7). In an address to the inter-Agency conference for a world which is free of violence against the women. Kofi Anna, the secretary general of United Nations, described acts that are violence against women as a very shameful human rights violation. The violence against women has several demonstrations and the WHO has grouped it into behaviorally defined parts that include intimate partner violence and physical violence. Violence has short and long term effect on the mental and physical health of women that do not just include the physical injury however it has raised depression risk, sleep difficulties, emotional distress, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Worldwide, women have very low control over their lives and their optimistic relation between gender discrimination, exposure to domestic violence, and physi

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