My mother came home and asked me today if I had mailed her paper and I told her yes, even though I had not done so. A friend of mine asked me to eat out, and I told her I had just woken up when she texted me, and I was going to be busy. Actually, I was just too lazy to do anything today since it is my day off from school and work. Yes, I lied. Who doesn't? We all lie. We all tell lies for various reasons. Whether to save ourselves from getting fired from work or not hurt anybody's feelings. We lie to save face, retain respect, or avoid humiliation. Lying has been a part of human nature. However, lies can also lead to some consequences. If my mom finds out that I have not done what she had asked me to do, she will obviously get mad and who knows what she might do. There are different types of lying. Here are the few types of lies that I will be discussing: The Innocent Lie, The Distraction Lie, The Fabrication Lie, and The Obvious Lie. These various types of lying are useful to better understand the different kinds of lies we are telling or what lies others are telling on a daily basis. The Pure Lie is the type of lie that is not meant to inflict pain or harm. It is a small, insignificant untruth that does not hurt anybody. In other words, it is a harmless lie. Some people think it is okay to tell this kind of lie since it is sometimes a necessity to avoid conflict or just to be tactful or polite. For instance, telling a friend that she does not look fat in her dress when obviously she has gained a lot of weight and looks heavy. Rather than telling the truth that she has gained weight, it is best to tell a pure lie to prevent clash between the liar and the person being lied to. This lie is pretty harmless, and it is told in order to spare the feelings of the other. The Distraction Lie is a silly lie in which one lies just to trick the other person. There is nothing really much to say about this kind of lie. Everybody, I believe, has to