In light of Frank Miller's latest sensible novel, Xerxes and told in the staggering visual style of the blockbuster "300," this new section of the epic saga makes the move to another battle zone on the sea as Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) tries to unite all of Greece by driving the charge that will change the course of the war. It pits Themistokles against the monstrous striking Persian powers drove by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Artemisia (Eva Green), wild force of the Persian oceanic force. After its triumph over Leonidas' 300, the Persian Army beneath the command of Xerxes walks towards the major city-states of Greek. The Democratic city of Athens, first on the method for Xerxes' furnished power, manufactures its quality regarding its naval force, drove by maritime officer Themistocles. Themistocles is urged to an unwilling association together with the customary rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta who may live with its overwhelming infantry troops. However Xerxes still guidelines overwhelming in numbers over sea and range. While coming to the historical accuracy of this movie, we be clear of one thing right from the saying go: this is not in any helpful sense an authentic film. It references several noteworthy verifiable occasions yet is not keen on 'getting them right'. It utilizes authentic characters yet misuses them for its own sensational, generally techno-visual finishes. It wilfully submits the grossest chronicled goofs. This is actually a verifiable dream fiction film and ought to be seen and judged just in that capacity. Anyway in the event that any classroom educators of Classical civilization or Classical history ought to be enticed to utilize it as a showing support: caveant magistri - let the instructors be careful! Here are only five courses in which the film is, best case scenario un-recorded, at the very least against authentic. Blunder sets in with the very title: the "300" bit is a gesture to Zack Snyder's interminably more fruitful 2006 film to which this is a sort of spin-off, and there is the suggestion to as well as substantial lifting of a few scenes from th