
Children with Special Needs

7 Pages 1673 Words June 2015

education practically did not exist. In the early times, people were a lot into literature and got their information from books or newspapers. Charles Dickens was the first author to address individuals suffering from these conditions in a rather positive light. He stated that such people are not any different from us but possess the same compassion and love as any other person. His words led to an amendment in the reforms in US and led to a betterment of conditions of the affected individuals.
Special needs have a number of dimensions. Where many people do focus on the individual aspect and how this problem may affect the children, they tend to overlook the dimension that highlights the role of the parents who are an important part of this situation. Initially when parents come to know that their child may require special services, the parent goes through a phase commonly known as denial, in which he or she may try to struggle to erase this feeling, yet their efforts don’t work. With the rise of such services, parents have...

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